In furtherance to the Legal recognition accorded to the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association’s Constitution of 1996 by the then NAVA, a 5-man Constitution Review Committee was appointed and inaugurated after the Courtesy call on the President of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation by the Executive Committee Members of the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association to amend the Constitution in accordance with the trends of developments in FIVB, CAVB and NVBF to stand the test of time, which was approved by members of the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association.
Note: WE THE MEMBERS OF THE NIGERIA VOLLEYBALL REFEREES ASSOCIATION (NVRA) DO HEREBY MAKE, ENACT and GIVE OURSELVES the following binding Constitution with effect from November, 2011.
- Title: This regulation may be cited as Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association Constitution 2011 as amended.
- Supremacy of the Constitution: This Constitution is supreme and its provision:
- i) Shall have binding force on all persons who are members of the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association.
- ii) If any other rule, action or decision, except that of FIVB and CAVB, in relation to the NVBF is inconsistent with the provision of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail and that other rule, action or decision shall to the extent of the inconsistency be void.
In the interpretation of this Constitution:
- a) ‘ASSOCIATION’ means the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association.
- b) ‘COUNCIL’ means the Association’s representatives at the States including the Federal Capital Territory.
- c) ‘GOVERNMENT’ means policy and decisions making bodies at Association and Councils.
- d) ‘ENACTMENT’ means Legal provisions at Association, and Councils levels.
- e) ‘N.E.C.’ means National Executive Committee (National Elected and some appointed officers).
- f) E.C.’ means State Executive Committee (State Elected and some appointed officers).
- g) This Constitution and its provisions shall be binding on all Referees who are members of the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The Association shall be known and called THE NIGERIA VOLLEYBALL REFEREES ASSOCIATION (NVRA) hereafter referred to as the ‘Association.
1.1 The State and/or Federal Capital Territory Referees Council shall be known and called the State/Federal Capital Referees Council respectively hereafter referred to as the ‘Council. The inauguration of the Council shall be approved by the Association on the application of the would be Council. The application shall be accompanied with evidence of;
(a) Affiliation to the State Volleyball Association.
(b) The existence of at least, ten (10) Registered Referees in the State.
- The Association shall be integral part of Nigeria Volleyball Federation.
- The Council shall be an integral part of the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association.
- The Association, Council, or Members cannot sue or be sued on matters relating to the administration of Volleyball Refereeing in Nigeria.
The Secretariat of the Association shall be cited at whichever City is chosen as the seat of Nigeria Volleyball Federation, in this case, Abuja.
- The Association shall in addition have an office (liaison) at the National Stadium in Lagos.
- The Secretariat of the Council shall be cited at whichever city is chosen as the seat of the State Volleyball Association.
- To secure, ensure, encourage and control the organization and administration of Volleyball Refereeing throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
- To promote, maintain close and cordial relationship with the Nigeria Volleyball Federation, State Volleyball Association, the State Referee Councils, and other sporting stakeholders.
- To approve the establishment of the States Referee Councils in the Country in accordance with the provisions of articles 1.1
- To assist the Nigeria Volleyball Federation to improve the constitution of Volleyball Referees and the standard of refereeing by initiating and encouraging sound education of Referees through organizing suitable training, courses, seminar, workshops and clinics.
- To organize on behalf of the NVBF the recruitment training, examination and classification of Volleyball Referees.
- To protect Volleyball Referees from unjust and unfair treatment arising from the performance of their duties as Referees.
- To ensure that all Nigeria Volleyball Federation organized matches and other official competitions are officiated by only registered and up to date Volleyball Referees.
- To pursue and/or take such actions that are lawful but which may not be provided for in this Statute in furtherance of the objective of the Association.
Membership of the Association is open to:
- Persons who have had previous knowledge and practice in the game of Volleyball.
- Physical Education Specialists.
- Where no viable Volleyball Referees Council is, in accordance with article 1.4 of this Statute, the affected referees shall affiliates with the nearest neighbouring States Referees Council until a viable Council is formed in such a State Volleyball Association.
- The Association and Councils are obliged to have Patrons/Honourary members other than their registered members. Such members must be people with proven integrity, transparent honesty and must have the interest of Referees at heart.
(a) There shall be no stipulated retirement age for active National Referees.
(b) Referees who want to retire shall forward their letters of retirement with detailed curriculum vitae to the Association through their Councils and personally before 31st December of every year, specifying their effective date of retirement.
(c) The Association shall have the powers to recommend Referees to the Association considered physically unfit or otherwise for retirement.
- An intending Referee shall obtain a registration form through his/her State Council or a nearby State from NVRA Secretariat at a prescribed fee. He/She shall be deemed registered after successful completion of the appropriate Referee’s Course and all other formalities (allotment of registration number, acquisition of complete Referee’s uniform accoutrements and presentation of ID card).
- Official International Referees’ Uniform as adopted by the FIVB/CAVB.
- Any approved National Uniform.
- Association Badge of corresponding Grade of Individual Referee.
- It shall be mandatory for all graded Volleyball Referees (active and/or retired) and/or referees in training to renew their registration at the beginning of each National Volleyball calendar year as evidence of intention to participate in activities of the season. The registration shall commence at the Council levels where obtainable and where not obtainable directly with the Association’s Financial Secretary.
- Only Referees registered with the Association shall be recommended to the Nigeria Volleyball Federation, for invitation to officiate national and international matches as the case maybe for the season. The list of duly registered referees (active/retired) shall be forwarded at the end of the First Quarter annually to the NVBF and all respective States Association.
- Registrations of individual referees by Council must reach the Association Secretariat on or before end of the first quarter of every year (January – March). Registration not received by end of the first quarters shall be regarded late and the erring Council/individual referee shall be penalized.
- All late national registration from individual Volleyball referees shall be accompanied by additional 50% of the annual subscription to be paid by the referees seeking late registration after the closing date, which is on or before end of the first quarter of every year.
- The National Executive Committee of the Association, upon recommendation by the Council, shall determine the appropriate penalty for its member on late registration beyond one year. A referee, who fails to register for two consecutive years without leave of absence, shall cease to be a member. Retired International and International Referees shall be treated as National Referees in respect of annual subscription.
- Any retired referee who fails to register for two consecutive years without leave of absence shall cease to be accorded the respect and honour due to retired referees.
- Any member who fails to register in any year and want to register for the new year must first settle all outstanding registration fees he/she failed to register the previous years.
- Any member who fails to register in a year and decides to register in any other year will not be legible for examination even after satisfying article 6.7.
- Every Council shall pay a yearly affiliation fee to the Association, the amount of which shall be determined by the National Executive Committee.
- Every referee shall pay a yearly affiliation fee to the Association the amount of which shall be determined by the National Executive Committee and ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
- All Graded Referees and retired Referee must pay a yearly fee to the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association, the amount of which shall be determined by the National Executive Committee and ratified at the Annual General Meeting, and any additional amount as may be determined by the States Executive Committee.
7.2 Proceeds from sales of accoutrements, periodical/journals and such other items that may be produced or reproduced.
- Where necessary and in the interest of the Association and Council, the National Executive Committee or States’ Executive as the case my be, shall levy the Council or the individual referees respectively.
- It shall be mandatory for member Councils or the individual to pay such authorized levy/levies.
- Any member Council, or individual who fails to pay such levies within the stipulated time of it imposition shall be treated as being in arrears of subscription.
- Contribution from Grand Patron, Patrons, Honourary members of the Association and Councils.
- Grants/Allocations maybe solicited from the Federal, States and Local Government through the appropriate Agencies.
- Donation maybe sought from the Federal, States, Local Government and other philanthropists/organization, for the Association/Council objectives.
- The Association or Councils may organize fund raising activities, which may include friendly Volleyball matches.
- The Association shall deduct 10% of Officiating Allowance accrued to referees for all National and International Championships.
- The Councils shall deduct 10% of Officiating Allowance accrued to referees for all Local Championships.
Referees seeking promotion to the next grade shall sit for the appropriate Nigeria Referees Association Promotion Examination and shall be required to pay a fee to be determined by the Nation Executive Committee and any additional as may be determined by the respective councils as the case maybe.
- A referee that is qualified to sit for the FIVB International Candidate Course shall be required to pay a fee to be determined by the FIVB and any additional as maybe determined by the Association.
- The Association and Councils shall also derive it revenue from the returns on investment where applicable.
7.11 The Bankers of the Association/Council shall be approved by the National Executive Committee or States Executive Committee as the case maybe or any of the appropriate Governing Bodies. And shall be the Bankers of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation for effective administration.
7.12 The Chairman, Secretary General and the National Treasurer shall be the signatories to the account(s). The signature of the Chairman and anyone of the other two signatories shall be valid for the withdrawals approved by the National Executive Committee or the Chairman incase of any urgency.
- The Council Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be the signatories the Councils account. The Chairman and anyone of the other two signatories shall sign for the withdrawal approved by the States Executive Committee or he Chairman incase of any urgency.
- Referees shall be paid officiating allowance at the rate agreed by the Association and NVBF in the following categories:
- National Competitions for International Graded Referees.
- National Competitions for National Graded Referees.
- International Competitions for International Graded Referees.
- International Competitions for National Graded Referees.
- In addition to 7.14, Referees invited by NVBF shall be entitled to the following:
- Transport fare to and fro their Local destinations.
- Daily Feeding and Lodging allowances as approved by NVBF (if not provided)
- Local transport allowance.
- The Association and Councils shall keep proper records of their respective account for each year. A statement of income and expenditure of the Association or Council shall be prepared and presented by the Financial Secretary and Treasurer to the National Executive Committee and State Executive Committee as the case maybe.
- The Association and Councils statement of account shall be audited within six months for after the end of the year to which the statement relates or as maybe demanded by the National Executive Committee as the case maybe.
- The audited account of the Association and Councils shall be presented by their respective/appointed auditor(s) in attendant and as the report is required.
- The Affairs of the Association and Councils shall be conducted and controlled by the following bodies.
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- National Executive Committee (NEC)
iii. State General Meeting (SGM)
- State Executive Council (SEC)
10.1 The Associations’ Annual General Meeting shall hold once in a year at a venue to be decided by the National Executive Committee. The AGM shall be attended by the following:
- All National and International Referees.
- The Nigeria Volleyball Federation as observer.
- To ratify, amend or nullify the Reports/decision(s) of the National Executive Committee or Working Committee or other Standing Committee.
- To formulate guiding policies of Volleyball Referees’ matters which shall not conflict with the provisions of this Statue?
- To consider on its merit, and dissolve with a two-third majority of members present, the National Executive Committee and the State Executive Committee, on breach of trust and with simple majority, suspend/expel any of the National Executive Committee (s) found guilty of any misconduct or serious misconduct after a through investigation and trial. The report of the breach of trust/misconduct shall be reflected on the agenda of the meeting circulated to members at least 30 days before the meeting.
- When the National Executive Committee and State Executive Committee is dissolved, the Annual General Meeting shall appoint a Care-taker Committee.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall suspend/expel or impeach a member of the National Executive Committee, for breach of trust, misconduct or non-performance and fill the vacancy so created.
- To consider any other case(s) brought before it that are not mentioned in (a-e) above.
The Executive Committee meeting shall be held Three (3) times in a year at a venue to be decided by the Chairman or his representative. It shall be attended by the following:
- All members of the Executive Committee
- Invited guests on observer capacity
- Quorum shall be 1/3 majority of members.
(a) To consider reports from the previous meeting.
(b) To consider matters referred to it by the Executive Committee Members.
(c) To consider other matter(s) that may be brought before it for consideration.
The National Executive Committees shall manage, administer and carryout the running of the Association’s business on a day-to-day basis.
The National Executive Committee shall be made up of the following elected officers.
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman I
- Vice Chairman II
- Secretary General
- Assistant Secretary General
- Treasurer
- Financial Secretary
- National Training Officer
- Media Relation Officer
- Provost/Welfare Officer
- Internal Auditor
- 2 Ex Officio members (Immediate past Chairman and one experienced member- both have no voting rights)
The quorum of the Exco shall be simple majority at the meeting.
The National Executive Committee shall transact following business:
(a) Consider Proposals of the Working Committee and other Ad-hoc Committee (s).
(b) Consider and/or recommend to the Annual General Meeting for ratification, report of all Standing Committees.
(c) Take decisions on urgent issues.
(d) Set up Ad-hoc Committee for specific assignments
(e) Recommend members of all Standing Committees for the approval of the Annual General Meeting.
(f) Delegate any of its powers to any such Committee or Councils.
(g) Assist in recommending the list of FIVB aspiring Referees to Nigeria Volleyball Federation.
(h) Appointment of external Auditor(s).
(i) Recommend to the Annual General Meeting the suspension/expulsion or impeachment of any Executive Committee members from his post in the Executive Member or guilty of any other serious misconduct.
(j) Accept resignation of members.
The State Executive Committee shall manage/administer and carry out the day-to-day running of the Council’s business:
It shall be made up of the following:
(a) Chairman
(b) Vice Chairman
(c) Secretary.
(d) Assistant Secretary
(e) Treasurer
(f) Financial Secretary
(g) Media Relations Officer
(h) Provost/Welfare Officer
(i) Quorum shall be simple majority of members present.
The State Executive Committee shall transact the following business:
(a) Consider the proposals of the Working Committee and other Ad-hoc Committees.
(b) Consider and/or recommend to the Association for ratification, reports of all Standing Committees.
(c) Take decisions on urgent issues in their States and brief the Association accordingly.
(d) Set up Ad-hoc Committee for specific Assignments.
(e) Delegate any of its powers to any such committee or society.
(f) Recommendation to the Association the suspension/expulsion or impeachment of any member from his post in the Council Committee if found wanting in his responsibility (ies) as executive member or guilty of any other serious misconduct. Such recommendation(s) must however be ratified by the Association before implementation.
(g) Accept and forward member’s letter of registration(s) to NEC for approval.
(a) The Secretary General shall summon all Meeting(s) in writing on the instruction of the Chairman or his representative.
(b) Article 12.7 (a) above shall apply to the State Councils.
(c) The National Executive Committee Meeting(s) shall be held at least once in four months at the time and places convenient for forming a quorum.
(d) The State Executive Committee Meeting(s) shall be held at least once in two months at the time and places convenient for forming a quorum.
(e) Notices of meetings for National Executive Committee, State Executive Committee shall be sent out at least 21 days before the meeting, except for emergency meeting.
(a) Notwithstanding the schedules of meetings for the Governing Bodies as contained in Article 10.1, the Association and Council may summon Extra-Ordinary Meetings of any of their respective organs in case of any urgency need.
(b) The composition of the Extra Ordinary Meetings shall minimum 1/3 of the members.
(c) The Provisions of Article 12.8(a) and (b) above is intended to address matters requiring the decisions of urgency which exigencies may not permit for schedule meetings.
(a) The National Executive Committee may declare a member of the Executive who absents himself/herself without permission from three (3) consecutive Executive Committee Meetings as having vacated his/her seat.
(b) The provision of Article 12.9(a) above shall apply to State Councils.
(a) Any vacancy in the National Executive Committee shall be filled by the Annual General Meeting as appropriate for the remaining part of the life span of the National Executive Committee.
(b) Article 12.10 (a) above shall also apply to the State Councils.
12.1 (a) The Association and the State Councils shall constitute Standing Committee which shall work at the approval of the National Executive Committee and /or State Executive Committee as the case may be.
(b) The Committee is required to carry out such functions as shall be delegated by the National Executive Committee, or State Executive Committee in addition to those already provided for in the respective Committees in this Statute.
(c) The life span of the Committee shall terminate at the same time with the National Executive Committee and State Executive, which set them up.
12.2 Standing Committees shall meet as often as may be deemed necessary or directed.
13.1 This Standing Committee shall be composed of the following:
(a) The Vice Chairman 1 - Chairman
(b) The Provost - Vice Chairman
(c) Other nominated members - Member(s)
(d) Secretary General - Secretary
Quorum shall be Simple Majority.
(a) To handle all matters including investigations and disciplinary actions and to forward their recommendations to the National Executive Committee for ratification.
(b) To handle all protests and appeals, recommend punishments where necessary, for approval by the National Executive Committee.
A Grading and Assessment Committee shall be formed as follows:-
- Chairman
- Training Officer
(c) 1 other nominated member - Member
(a) To organize periodic training programmes/assessments for members.
(b) To liaise with the Nigeria Volleyball Federation through the National Executive Committee of NVRA with a view to hosting International Referees Course(s)/ Seminars to be conducted by FIVB/CAVB.
(c) At the instance of the National Executive Committee of NVRA, it shall conduct National Promotion Examinations for Referees as at when due.
(d) To liaise with State Referees Council to ensure the introduction and maintenance of accurate assessment scheme.
(e) To ensure the maintenance of accurate assessment scheme in conjunction with the FIVB, CAVB and NVBF.
(f) To recruit and train on the orders of the National Executive Committee through the State Executive Committee, Referees-in-Training throughout the country. The list of recruited trainees to be submitted to the National Executive Committee through the State Council’s Annual Registration.
This Standing Committee shall be composed of the following:
- Chairman - Chairman
- Treasurer - Member
- 2 Other Nominated members - Member
- Financial Secretary - Secretary
(a) To exercise prudent control over finances of the Association.
(b) To prepare accounts and budgets for the National Executive Committee
(c) To recommend ways of generating funds for the Association with adequate checks and balances against financial abuse(s).
(d) To control income and expenditure of the Association.
(e) To produce and circulate Minutes of its meetings to all members of the National Executive Committee.
16.1 This Standing Committee shall be composed of the following:
(a) Vice Chairman II - Chairman
(b) 2 Other nominated members - Members
(c) Assistant Secretary General - Secretary.
(a) To sources for revenue for the effective running of the activities of the Association.
(b) To interact with corporate bodies in Nigeria and solicit for sponsorship of the courses, seminars, workshop, promotion examination and other activities of the Association.
(c) To ensure that the Association is financially viable in order to achieve its noble objectives.
(d) To liaise with Nigeria Volleyball Federation (Marketing and Sponsorship Committee) for harmonization of its sponsorship drive.
17.1 For any deliberation, every member shall have one vote, which shall be decided by open or secret ballot. The number of vote for and against shall be recorded in the Minutes.
17.2 All National Executive Committee members are entitled to vote during Annual General Meeting, or Extra Ordinary Meeting or any other meetings shall be Association.
17.3 No NEC, Council or individual member of the Association who is in arrears of dues, fees, levies or owing the Association shall be allowed to vote or be voted for.
17.4 In the events of a tie during voting at any properly convened meeting, the National Chairman of the Committee shall cast the deciding vote.
17.5 All members shall be entitled to equal rights and privileges at meetings.
- An Electoral Committee of at least five members shall be constituted by the National Executive Committee.
- The duty of the Electoral Committee is primarily to organize, supervise and conduct elections at the Council and National levels.
- The Electoral Committee shall issue out guidelines for the conduct of all NVRA elections in consultation with the Association.
- The tenure of the Electoral Committee members shall be one year after which they may be re-appointed or re-constituted. Members can be relived of their position if found wanting in the discharge of their duties by the Chairman.
(a) The procedure of elections into the National Executive Committee shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Statue for all elective positions in the National Executive Committee. The election guidelines from the Association Electoral Committee shall be strictly adhered to in the National Elections.
(b) Candidates seeking elective positions into the National Executive Committee must obtain form from the National Secretariat. The NVRA nomination forms shall be obtained from the Electoral Committee in consultation with NVRA National Executive Committee.
(c) All elected officers must be resident within Nigeria.
(d) Any member who has less than seventy percent (70%) participation in the activities of his Council is not eligible to be voted for due to lack of commitment to the development of refereeing in the Council and Association. A record of attendance in all activities kept by the Secretary shall determine the level of participation.
(e) Any outgoing NEC member(s) that performed satisfactorily in office, at the pleasure of members, shall be allowed to seek re-election into the same office/higher office irrespective of terms he had served. Similarly, any Executive member indicated for any offence during his tenure shall not be allowed to seek any elective office within four years of such indictment.
(f) No National Executive shall hold any post at the State Council at the same time. Any member who contests and wins at the National level shall relinquish the State position while a bye-election shall be conducted to elect a new officer to occupy the vacant position within 14 days of such election.
(g) Any candidate seeking for a National elective position shall be nominated by his Council, which must not be financially indebted to the Association and seconded by two other Councils not indebted to the Association.
(h) The Electoral Committee shall organize and supervise the manifesto activities a day before the National election.
(i) The NVRA Electoral Committee shall organize, supervise and conduct the Association’s Executive Committee Elections while the NVBF shall send representative(s) to observe the conduct of the elections.
(j) A Council can nominate more than one candidate (if possible) for the same position provided he/she is not indebted to the Association and not under any sanction approval by the Association.
(k) Elected National Executive Committee members shall be sworn-in immediately after the election.
- The results of the election shall officially be communicated in writing by the Electoral Committee in conjunction with the new Executive Committee of the NVRA and send a copy of such to the NVBF within 48 hours after the elections (excluding weekends and public holidays).
- Any protest(s) on the elections must reach the NVRA Electoral Committee with a copy to the new NEC and protester’s Council not later than 48 hours after the election on the payment of non-refundable fee to be determined by the NVRA Electoral Committee. Failure to adhere to this shall render protest(s) null and void.
- No unregistered or financially not up to date members shall be allowed to vote during the elections.
- In the even of 2 (two) candidates scoring equal votes in the election, Electoral College shall determine the winner.
- Only Active Grade One Referees and above including Retired International Referees can contest for positions of Chairman, Vice Chairmen I and II the Secretary General at the National Executive Committee level.
- All aspirants shall sign the electoral guidelines issued by the Electoral Committee as evidence of acceptance of the conditions stipulated therein and attach it to the election nomination form.
- The decisions of the NVRA Electoral Committee shall be final and remain binding and shall not be challenged by any member of the Association in any law court.
(a) All members of the National Executive Committee NVRA shall be elected by secret ballot during the election for a term of 4 (four) years.
(b) Outgoing National Executive Committee member may seek for re-election for the next term of four years provided such member have no pending case before any Law Courts and or abuse of office during the previous tenure.
(c) At the conclusion of the elections, the Chairman shall be sworn-in by the NVBF representative while he in turn shall swear-in all other elected National Executive Committee members.
(a) Every financial member of the Association shall be entitled to be nominated by its Council/Organization to vote during elections. Such member shall come to the election as follows:
(b) The signature of the State Chairman/Organization as well as that of the State Secretary shall be required for any of their representation to vote.
(c) Where there is no Council, referees that are financially up-to-date shall be allowed to represent his/her State/Organizations during elections.
- The National Exco shall be dissolved at the expiration of their tenure at the AGM and a Caretaker Committee set up to run the affairs of the Association. The Care-taker Committee shall organize and conduct election within one month, if there is no transition from one administration to another.
- There must be a comprehensive documented handing over notes and documents from all the National Executive Officers (Chairman, Secretary General, National Treasurer, National Financial Secretary, National Training Officer, Publicity Secretary, National Welfare Officer and National Auditor) of the outgoing to the incoming Executive through the outgoing Chairman to the incoming Chairman not later than 30 days after the election. Failure to observer this will be regarded as misconduct and shall be penalized in accordance with this Statue.
The Chairman of the Association who shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee shall have powers to carry out the following functions.
(a) Shall preside over all meetings.
(b) Shall supervise the affairs of the Association.
(c) Shall represent the Association at the Nigeria Volleyball Federation Board (if provided for).
(d) Shall have powers to set up Ad-hoc Committee(s) as may be deemed necessary
(e) Shall have powers to direct the Secretary General to summon meetings of the Association or any of its Standing Committee(s).
(f) Shall have the right of casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
(g) Shall have discretionary powers to appoint any member(s) of Ad-hoc Committee(s).
(h) Shall have powers to appoint any member to carry out certain functions or specific assignment(s) in the interest of the Association.
(i) Shall have the powers to initiate policy matters affecting the interest of the Association.
(j) Shall together with anyone of the other two signatories, sign the Association cheque for withdrawals in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this Statue.
(k) Shall be the Chairman of the Working Committee.
(l) Shall nominate to the NVBF the list of Referees that shall officiate at all NVBF recognized, nationally and internationally organized competitions within the country.
(m) Shall have the powers to carry out any other functions for the realization of the noble objectives of the Association.
The Vice Chairman I shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall have the powers to carry out the following:
(a) Shall be the adviser to the Chairman on all policy matters affecting the Association.
(b) Shall deputize and preside over meetings in the absence of the Chairman. He shall be accorded the honour befitting the Chairman when representing him in his acting capacity.
(c) Shall be the Chairman of Investigation and Disciplinary Committee.
(d) Shall oversee the functions of the Chairman in his absence.
(e) Shall liaise with the appropriate scheduled officers for the effective and efficient administration of the Association as may be delegated by the Chairman.
(f) Shall carry out any other specific duties that may be assigned by the Chairman or National Executive Committee.
The Vice Chairman II shall be elected at during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall have the powers to carry out the following functions:
(a) Shall be the adviser to the Chairman and Vice Chairman I on matter affecting the Association
(b) Shall preside over meetings in the absence of Chairman, Vice Chairman I. He shall be accorded the honour befitting the Chairman when representing him in his acting capacity.
(c) Shall be the Chairman of the Welfare Committee.
(d) Shall be the Vice Chairman of the Investigation and Disciplinary Committee.
(e) Shall carry out any other duties that may be assigned to him by the Chairman or National Executive Committee.
The Secretary General shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall functions as follows:
(a) Shall maintain and keep records correctly and update of the documents of the Association.
(b) Shall record the proceedings of all meetings and have them duly signed and circulated to the required destinations within reasonable period.
(c) Shall maintain and keep records correctly and update of all registers referees.
(d) Shall maintain an imprested Account for petty expenses of the Association, which shall be determined by the National Executive Committee or the Chairman. He shall regularly account for such expenses.
(e) Shall be the Secretary of Investigation and Disciplinary Committee of the Association.
(f) Shall summon meetings of the Association’s Standing Committee(s) as directed by the Chairman or National Executive Committee.
(g) Shall be one the Association’s Bank Account Signatories in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this Statute.
(h) Shall carry out any other duties that mat be assigned to him by the Chairman or National Executive Committee.
The Assistant Secretary General shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:
(a) Shall assist the Secretary General in his duties.
(b) Shall act for the Secretary General in his absence. He shall be accorded the honour befitting the secretary general when representing him in his acting capacity.
(c) Shall be a member of the Protocol and Publicity Committee.
(d) Shall take Minutes of Meetings of the Association.
(e) Shall be responsible for the sale of the Association’s items.
(f) Shall carry out other duties that may be assigned to him by the Chairman, the Secretary General or National Executive Committee.
The National Financial Secretary shall be elected at during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:
(a) Shall receive all monies on behalf of the Association and hand over same to the Treasurer within 48 hours of collection (Saturdays, and Public holidays excluded), issue official Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association’s serially numbered receipts for all payments received.
(b) Shall be ready to give the Association’s financial position at any time he/she is called upon to do so.
(c) Shall keep and maintain all records of the financial transactions and Bank lodgments of the Association, including payment vouchers, and present them for inspection to the Executive Committee and/or the Auditor(s) whenever required to do so. He shall receive all monies and pay such to the Treasurer.
(d) Shall be the Secretary of the Finance Committee.
(e) Shall carry out any other duties that may be assigned by the Chairman or the National Executive Committee.
The National Treasurer shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:
(a) Shall received all monies paid to the Financial Secretary in cash or cheque(s) and shall make payments into the Association’s Bank account within 48 hours of reception of such monies (Saturdays, and Public holidays excluded),on triplicate document.
(b) Shall be the custodian of the cheque book(s), payment vouchers, and expenditure and receipt books of the Association and shall present them for inspection to the National Executive Committee or the Auditor(s) whenever required to do so.
(c) Shall be a signatory to the Association’s Accounts in accordance with Article 7.12 of this Statute.
(d) Shall be a member or the Protocol and Publication Committee.
(e) Shall be a member of the Finance Committee.
(f) Shall carry out any other duties that may be assigned by the Chairman or the National Executive Committee.
The National Training Officer shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:-
(a) Shall be responsible, through the Executive Committee for the Standardization, trainings, examinations and issuance of training guidelines of the Association.
(b) Shall promptly copy and send to all members any information from FIVB on the rules of the game in conjunction with the Grading and Assessment Committee, and Protocol and Publication Committee.
(c) Shall monitor the standard of officiating throughout the country through the States Grading and Assessment Committee(s) periodically with a view to enhancing constant improvement.
(d) Shall be the Vice Chairman of Grading and Assessment Committee.
(e) Shall carry out any other duties that may be assigned by the Chairman or the National Executive Committee.
The Media Relations Officer shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:
(a) Shall be the Vice Chairman of Protocol and Publication Committee.
(b) Shall be the image-maker of the Association.
(c) Shall be responsible for publishing the activities of the Association and new information from FIVB, CAVB, and NVBF.
(d) Shall issue/release the Association news to the press and other media Agencies on the authority of the Chairman.
(e) Shall be a member of Welfare and Social Committee.
(f) Shall carry out any other duties may be assigned to him by the Chairman or the National Executive Committee.
The Provost/Welfare Officer shall be elected during the elections into the National Executive Committee and shall function as follows:
- Shall be a strict disciplinarian who shall be responsible for maintaining discipline among members and shall report all acts of indiscipline by members to the Executive Committee.
- Shall maintain orderliness of members at all meetings.
- Shall have the powers to check the official outfits of members during organized Competitions.
- Shall receive and distribute items given to members on the order of the Chairman.
- Shall be the Vice Chairman of the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee.
- Shall carry out any other duties may be assigned to him by the Chairman or the National Executive Committee.
20.11 AUDITOR(S)
The National Internal Auditor(s) shall be appointed by the Chairman or National Executive Committee when necessary. The Auditor(s) must be qualified professionals and functions as follows:
- Shall examine and audit the properties and account of the Association within three months before the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
(b) Shall present Audit Report to the appropriate meetings in accordance with Article 9 of this Statute.
(c) Shall have no voting right at Exco meetings.
(d) Shall advise the Association on financial matters.
The Association’s Statute provides for Ex-Officio members as follows:
(a) The immediate past Chairman shall be an ex-Officio member of the National Executive Committee.
(b) Any other experienced or retired referee.
The following acts shall be regarded as misconduct and shall attract appropriate sanction(s)
(a) To solicit, receive or attempt to receive either directly or indirectly for himself or for any other person any consideration in whatever form from club official(s), player(s) of any club with a view to influencing the outcome of a match.
(b) To take alcoholic or alcoholic beverages (12) twelve hours before a match.
(c) To officiate any international match or any match outside the jurisdiction of a Council without first obtaining approval from the Association or Council as the case may be and obtaining the necessary permission except the Nigeria Volleyball Referees’ Association direct appointments.
(d) To openly criticize colleagues or incite club official(s) supporters or fans against them and/or refer to colleague(s) as non indigene(s).
(e) To disclose through any means, information relating to the “Association” to outsiders which may be prejudicial to proper administration of the Association’s Affairs.
(f) A Referee convicted of a criminal offence by any Court of law in Nigeria or elsewhere.
(g) Impersonation or prevarication of match appointment.
(h) Issuing press release or granting interview on matches officiated by the Referees, retired Referees or any matters on Referees, Association, and Council without prior approval by the Executive Committee.
(i) Referees officiating Volleyball matches illegally not recognized by Nigeria Volleyball Federation, the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association or State Volleyball Association.
(j) Referee soliciting for match appointment(s) directly from the organizers without due processes.
(l) Referees poor performance in matches handled considered intentional or adjudged to be incompetent.
(m) Failure by the outgoing elected officers to hand over in accordance with the previous of Article 27 of this Statute.
(n) To commit any other acts considered inimical to the Association or Council but not covered in the provisions of Article 32.1 of this Statute.
The following acts against the Association or Council or individual as the case may be shall be regarded as serious misconduct.
- Any Referee found guilty of actions detrimental to the unity and progress of the Association or Council.
- Any Referee’s action, which runs contrary to the aims and objectives of the Association or Council.
- Any member found guilty or fraudulent practices, e.g. embezzlement of funds or aiding embezzlement of funds.
- Any member found cheating or aiding cheating in Nigeria (Volleyball) Referees Association promotion examination.
(e) Referees glaring poor performance in matches handled considered being blatantly deliberate or gross in competence.
- Any member convicted of a serious criminal offence by any Court of Law in Nigeria or elsewhere.
- Any Referee(s) reporting matter(s) concerning the Association. Council, Association or Council member(s) directly to the NVBF, CAVB, FIVB and or it members without due process.
- Any Referee(s) that bypasses the Association or Council and deals directly with the NVBF, CAVB, FIVB and or it members without due process on matters that affects the Association, Council or/and its members.
- Instituting any legal or court action against the Association, Council, or member(s) on Referees matters without the due processes in this Statute.
Any Referee(s) found guilty of any of the offences in the two preceding Articles 21.1 and 21.2 of this Statute, after a discrete investigation, shall be liable to any of the following punishments:-
- Expulsion from the Association and Council, which automatically denies him/her membership of any Referees Association in Nigeria.
- Suspension from the Association for a period not exceeding 18 months (Association suspension).
- Suspension from the Council for a period not exceeding 12 months (Council’s maximum authority).
- Any punishment beyond the power of the Council must be forwarded to the Association for appropriate punishment to be effected.
(e) All Council’s actions must be promptly reported to the Association.
(f) Fines from defaulting members.
(a) Match suspension: The Referee’s right to officiate in a match is withdrawn either for Local matches only or for both Local, National and International competitions.
(b) Membership suspension: The Referee is barred from attending any Referees gatherings, meetings, lectures, seminars symposia, etc and prevented from officiating in any match in the country for a definite period covered by the suspension.
(c) Expulsion: Any Referee expelled ceases to be a Volleyball Referee or a member of the Association.
(d) Fines: Any Referee (s) that fines is imposed on shall pay such fines
within a stipulated time.
At the expiration of a Referee’s suspension, his/her Council shall writes to the Association to testify to his/her good behavior and that he fulfilled all his expected obligations during his/her suspension. The Association reply through writing to lift the suspension, otherwise the Referees remains suspended.
(a) When a member is sanctioned, the member sanctioned shall be dully informed in writing, while the sanctioned member shall in turn acknowledge the receipt in writing and take the appropriate action(s).
(b) When a member is sanctioned, the Association shall duly inform the Nigeria Volleyball Federation and a copy sent to the NVBF Technical Committee in writing the details of the offence, findings and decisions taken against the member Council or individual.
(c) Punishment(s) recommended by the Investigation and Disciplinary Committee must be ratified by the National Executive Committee/ State Executive Committee of the Association/Council where applicable before it becomes effective. National Executive Committee or the State Executive Committee has powers to ratify, rectify or nullify the findings of the Committee. While the AGM must ratify sanctions up to the maximum limit. However, the punishment stands, until the NVRA takes a final decision.
(d) From the Councils, all cases with over ten months suspension imposed must be communicated to the National Executive Committee respectively with details of trials conducted final decisions taken within two weeks of the conclusion of the matter. The defaulting Referee shall remain suspended until the Association ratifies the findings. Any result of trial that is not sent in within this stipulated period renders the proceedings null and void.
(e) The Association can impose suspension for more NOT than 18 months. Any punishment over 18 months shall be ratified the Annual General Meeting.
(f) Council can impose suspension for not more than 12 months. Any punishment more than 12 months must be recommended to the National Executive Committee for ratification.
(g) Any sanction beyond the limit of the Council shall be recommended to the Association for appropriate/higher sanction to be applied to the defaulting members.
(h) The defaulting member has a right of appeal against the findings of the investigation and disciplinary committee. He will first appeal to the National Executive Committee or Executive Committee as the case may be, and if not satisfied to the Association/Council and the Annual General Meeting thereafter. The Association’s Annual General Meeting is the final appeal body.
This Constitution or part thereof, shall only be amended at the Association’s Annual General Meeting on a simple majority of member present. The text, phrase or section to be amended or expunged and/or inserted must have been communicated to members at least 30 days before the meeting where such amendment proposed is intended.
The Constitution is subject to review when occasion demands by the Association’s Annual General Meeting as proposed by the National Executive Committee, who must proposed each review through the National Executive Committee before the Annual General Meeting for amendment before implementation.
(a) All books, files and vouchers for at least six years preceding the current years shall be retained by the Association and be ready for production whenever required by the Association.
(b) The Chairman shall sign letters/correspondence of the Association, or Council as the case may be, especially policy letters/documents going out to Organization or Individuals and other Organs of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation.
(c) The Secretary General or Secretary of the Council respectively shall sign out-going letters/correspondence from the Association from the Association or Council, as the case may be except those to be signed by the Chairman, as appropriate.
(d) The National Chairman and Secretary General, State Chairman and Secretary shall jointly sign outgoing correspondence from the Association and Council respectively when situation calls for such.
The Training Policy of the Association shall be in close collaboration with the FIVB AND CAVB Training policies and may be amended from time to time.
The Association shall have a pool of active and retired referees instructor/inspectors. They shall be vested with the following functions:
(a) Shall monitor the conduct and performance of members in and outside the field of play.
(b) Shall be assessors and inspectors of referees, retired referees.
(c) Shall be called upon from time to time to conduct seminars, courses, workshops, etc with the Grading and Assessment Committee.
In order to promote unity and updating of knowledge among all referees, the Association and Councils shall observe the following:
(a) Councils shall host the Association meetings on the approval of National Executive Committee or Chairman, on accepting to satisfy the required conditions.
(b) Societies shall host the Council meetings on approval of State Executive Committee or Chairman on accepting to satisfy the required conditions.
(c) Organizations or individuals can assist the Association and Councils to host meetings.
(d) The Association shall organize periodic meetings, seminars and refresher courses for their graded and retired referees/match at least once in year.
(e) All Referees Councils must meet at least once three months to discuss the uniform interpretation of the law as of the game.
(a) All intending Referees for promotion exercises must present a certificate of Medical Fitness from a Government Hospital prior to any promotion examination. (As the Association shall not be held responsible for any eventualities occurring during the period of the examination).
(b) Grade III Referees with at least 4 (four) years of active refereeing experience with satisfactory practical performance in the grade shall be invited to take part in the promotion examination to Grade II.
(c) Grade II Referees who have had active and satisfactory practical refereeing experience shall qualify to write the promotion examination to Grade I at the completion of four years in the grade.
(d) Referees who have performed satisfactorily for 10 active years on Grade 1 may be recommended by the Grading and Assessment Committee for elevation to the next higher grade of National Referees.
(e) Referees who have performed satisfactorily for 3 active years on a grade may be recommended for promotion examination to the next higher grade by their respective Councils.
- For FIVB Referees Candidate Course, Names of Grade I and National Referees who have satisfy the qualify requirements in addition to criteria b & c above shall be forwarded to FIVB for consideration.
(f) Any Referee who has failed 2 promotional examination attempts shall not be allowed to take part in subsequent promotional examinations thereby forfeiting future promotions.
The Association shall continuously assess and monitor the performance of members at all times. Independent assessors shall be appointed from time to time to evaluate the performances of the Referees and forward same to the National Secretariat of the Association for further action.
There shall be zonal coordinators who shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee to co-ordinate the activities of the Association in the six geopolitical zones of the Federation.
The duties of the zonal coordinators shall be as follows:
(a) To present the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association Executive Committee and other Committees effectively in their respective zones of assignment.
(b) To assist in formal collation and dissemination of Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association’s activities.
(c) To serve as monitor for Referees assessments and conducts during matches in their zones.
(d) To conduct, assigned investigation(s) and settle dispute(s) and ensure harmonious co-existence in general among members.
Any alteration(s), addition(s), excision(s) or amendment(s) to the Statute the Association shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting or at an Emergency General Meeting summoned for the purpose and with approval of simple majority of members in attendance.
26.1 The legal recognition and responsibility granted the Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association occasioned the writing of the first Constitution in 1966. Thereafter, the Constitution was reviewed at instance of the National Executive Committee members after the courtesy visit to the President of the NVBF at Abuja in 2010.
26.2 This Constitution, the contents intent and spirit as reviewed, amended and adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Association held in Makurdi, Benue State between 11 – 13 November 2011.
26.3 A copy of this Constitution is lodged with the Nigeria Volleyball Federation for information and keeps.
27.1 Any other matters not covered by the contents of this statute, shall be deliberated upon by the appropriate governing bodies of the Association for necessary decision(s).
27.2 Any matter(s) not covered by the contents of this Statute shall in addition to the provisions of Article 28.1 above, be packaged and forwarded to the National Executive Committee for adjudication. Final decision(s) and/or amendments and adoption however rest with the Annual General meeting.
27.3 There shall be not BYE-LAWS from any Council apart from this Statute whose provisions are binding on all members of the Nigeria Volleyball Referee’s Association.