This code is to guide the conduct of all Volleyball Referees in Nigeria. Where this code is silent on other form of unacceptable behavior, the NVRA Chairman shall have power to take a decision on the matter in consultation with National Executive Committee.


Referees should make every effort to attend to Commission business efficiently. In particular they should:

  1. Respond promptly to correspondence from the National Executive Committee (NEC) or their Zonal Referee Coordinator or SEC
  2. If unable to accept an appointment (National or International) inform the Chairman of Nigeria Volleyball Referees Association (NVRA) as soon as possible, providing due reason.
  3. Maintain their commitment to officiate, only withdrawing in exceptional circumstances


  1. Referees must understand that as a referee, they represent Nigeria Volleyball Federation as well as NVRA as an official from the moment of their arrival at competition venue until their departure. Because of the need for neutrality and calm professionalism, the standard of behaviour required of referees, both on and off court, by NVRA is rightly higher than that expected from other participants.
  2. DRESSING: Referees must dress properly at all times. They must carry complete uniforms and must look neat and iron. Members must wear official uniforms when officiating matches; friendly matches inclusive.
  3. During the competition they should follow the FIVB Rules of the Game, the Refereeing Guidelines and Instructions, and the match protocol for the specific competition.

When refereeing Youth Competitions referees must make themselves aware of Child Protection issues and should officiate in a manner appropriate to the age of the participants.

  1. Referees should arrive for their nominated matches in due time, properly dressed, so that the necessary checks of equipment, facilities etc. can be effected.
  2. Referees should never participate in an official match, in any capacity, while under the influence of alcohol or any other prohibited drug. Any Referee found to have taken alcohol or any prohibited drug, shall not officiate any match throughout that competition.
  3. Referees should always referee with total impartiality, making all decisions based only on the evidence presented and without considering any incidents from an earlier date. They should, at all times, referee within the true spirit of the game and not only to the simple letter of the rules. Over friendliness with players, coaches and bench personnel before, during and after a match, whether actual or perceived, can be a problem and is discouraged as this can lead to accusations of non-neutrality.
  4. During a match, referees should deal with players and coaches showing respect, even where this courtesy is not returned. Heated arguments and debates with players, coaches, bench personnel or spectators, whatever the cause and under any amount of provocation are to be avoided at all costs.
  5. Referees should refrain from criticising fellow officials in public – either by words or by gestures. If they comment to others during an official competition, these comments should be inaudible to those not involved in the discussion. Shouting loud abuse or unwarranted advice, or deliberate distraction and heckling aimed at participants during a game may be a violation of this Referee Code of Conduct and may lead to disciplinary action.
  6. Referees should never make public comments and/or derogatory public statements concerning the performance of other referees or other participants, unless formal comment is required by the Chairman NVRA or the competition Referee Delegate.
  7. Any statement/comment(s) made by referees, or articles/statements/comments written for the intended purpose of publication should not be phrased in such a way as to be deemed likely to cause offence or be detrimental to the reputation of others, NVBF or NVRA. This includes comments on all forms of social media, e.g. facebook, whatsapp, etc.
  8. Referees should ensure they do not wear or use any item of clothing that identifies them with the team they accompanied to a competition and that they do not socialise with the members of their delegation (except for reasons of formal consular occasions or protocol).
  9. Referees should restrain themselves as much as possible when observing performances of their team (do not show excitement/joy in success or despondency/despair in failure).
  10. Referees must not accept nominations for appointment to any competition, within or outside Nigeria without first consulting the Chairman NVRA.
  • NVRA is committed to equality of opportunity for all members, without reference to religion, cultural background or sexual orientation. Any referee deemed to have violated this procedure or by pass NVRA and deal directly with NVBF, CAVB or FIVB will be disciplined according to the most serious breach of the Code of Conduct.
  1. Referees must continuously be aware of their educational role in the promotion of volleyball as both a participant and spectator sport; this aspect is an integral part of the role of impartial arbitrator. Using the rules to penalise the unfair and admonish the impolite by promoting the game – ie, by allowing the spectacular elements in the game to shine and the best players to do what they do best: entertain the public.
  2. DUES: For effective and efficient administration of NVRA programs, it is mandatory for members to pay their annual dues (any other dues as may be required) as at when due. Failure to do so will attract sanction as stipulated in NVRA Constitution
  3. PROGRAMS: It is mandatory for Referees to attend all organized programs of NVRA and pay stipulated amount for the program if any. Where a Referee will not honour such program, he/she must pay the fee for the program and notify the Chairman NVRA giving due reasons. Failure to do so will attract sanction as stipulated in NVRA constitution
  4. INTERGRITY: Referees must be honest in their dealings with related parties. They should officiate all appointed matches without bias. They should not be deceitful.
  • NVRA believes that senior referees should set high standards of personal behaviour, both on and off court, to serve as examples for both less experienced colleagues and other participants to follow. At all times in their dealings with other parties, referees should demonstrate, courtesy, politeness and respect and must, at all times, avoid actions which could bring discredit to the reputation of Referees
  1. BRIBE: Referees must not give bribe or receive bribe. All direct and indirect routes of bribery are prohibited. Members must declare to the Leadership of the Association all gifts given to them in the cause of any competition. Failure to do so will be considered as taken bribe and will be sanction severely.
  2. CONFIDENTIALITY: Referees must treat all matters of the Association confidential except such information is already in the public domain
  3. ARRIVAL: Referees must report at the competition venue on the stipulated arrival date.
  4. IDENTITY CARD: Referees must carry their ID cards always
  5. MATCH FIXING: Referee must not solicit for matches to officiate or manipulate fixtures in favour of any team
  6. RESPECT: Referees must exhibit respect amongst ranking in the Association. Members must accept the decision of the EXCO in sportsmanlike manner in areas of arbitration and abide by them
  7. FITNESS: Referees must keep fit and be smart always. Any referee whose body mass exceeds FIVB required standard may not be allow to officiate during competition.
  8. STRIKE ACTION: Members must not embark on a strike action without due consultation with the EXCO. They must air their grievances in a respectful manner and the EXCO is under obligation to listen to aggrieved party
  9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST- avoid activities that may lead to conflict of interest